How to import Products & Services to Paysley

Import Products & Services to your Paysley Inventory database:

You can import your existing inventory to your Paysley account by uploading a CSV or XLS file. For your convenience, we have already prepared template files you can download and use.

  1. Go to your My Products & Services section in your Paysley dashboard.
  2. Click the Import button and then download the template file you would like to use.
  3. Type or copy & paste all the data to the file, as instructed in the table below.
  4. Save the file and upload.
IMPORTANT: Do not delete or change the headers (line 1) in the template files, as it will result in an error during the import.
NameYesThe name of your Product or Service
Format: Lemonaid
Tip: Use abbreviations to keep it short and make it easy to find when searching. Avoid using duplicate product names. Duplicate products will not import.
TypeYesOptions: “Product” or “Service”
Format: Product
CategoryYesThe category you want to list your product or service under
Format: Beverage
Tip: Listing products & services in categories makes searching and managing inventory easier. You can add new categories by selecting “+ Add new category” on the “New Product or Service” window.
SKUNo A Stock Keeping Unit is used to identify your inventory.
Format: 0123456789
Sales priceYesThe sales price of your Product or Service.
Format: 10.51
Do NOT include any taxes when adding the Sales Price
Unit typeYesIndicates how your products and services are priced.
Options: “Flat Rate” or “Per Item” or “Per Hour”
Units in stockNoIf you are tracking stock, enter your current stock quantity.
Format: 100
Unit low stock warning atNoIf you want Paysley to give you a low stock warning, enter a   Low Stock warning threshold.
Format: 10
DescriptionNoDescribe your product or survive in more detail
 Format: Text
 Tip: Use short and clear descriptions to achieve the best display results on your VT and Mobile App.
CostYesWhat the Product or Service is costing you (your expense)
Format: 8.51
TaxNoIf a Tax applies to the Product or Service, enter the Tax profile name as it was setup in your Tax Profile configuration.
Format: Tax Name
If you have not setup a Tax profile, just enter teh decided Tax Name & % and Paysley will automatically create a new Tax Profile for you.
Format: tax_name (tax_value%) 
Example: Sales Tax(15%)
 Tip: Ensure that the Tax Name matches the Tax name of the Tax Profile you want to use. 

Troubleshooting Customer Imports

If you encounter an error when uploading & importing your file:

  • Check your file type. Only .xls and .csv files will import correctly. The file extension .xlsx is not permitted at this time.
  • Make sure the column headers (line 1) have not been removed or changed
  • Confirm that you did not use restricted characters in any of the number fields 
  • Confirm that your general formatting is correct and all fields containing data are correctly entered with no leading and trailing spaces.
  • Inventory with duplicate SKU data will NOT be imported.

For support, contact [email protected].

Updated on March 3, 2025

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