How to configure your Paysley account.
To access Paysley’s advanced settings menu, click on your email address in the top right corner of the page. Below, we will discuss each account configuration in more detail.
My Paysley Account
To access your Paysley Billing section, click the My Paysley Account link. Once you are in Paysley Billing, you can see your current Paysley account Tier and the Rates you are paying to use Paysley. It is mandatory to add a payment method to your account. You can do this by clicking the Add Payment Method link in the Payment Options box. This will take you to the Add New Card wizard, where you must provide your billing address and card information. Your card information is securely stored in a PCI-certified card vault. Your card will be charged automatically every month on the day after your new monthly invoice issuance. If you want, you can add more than one payment option.
The Billing History section displays all your Paysley invoices. You can download an invoice by clicking on the invoice number.
You can change your Paysley Tier by clicking the Change Tier button at the top right of the page.
Suppose you have finished the “Getting Started” course. In that case, you will have learned how to update your merchant contact information, upload your logo, select your timezone, and configure your SMTP email server settings (optional). If you missed the Getting Started course, this is your chance to complete your account configuration.
Merchant Contact: Updated your business contact information. This information appears on your invoices, payment pages, and receipts.
Logo: You can upload your logo to make your business look more professional. Any jpeg, png, or gif format image will work, but ensure the image file size is less than eight megabytes and the image has a 3-to-1 ratio for the best results.
Notifications: Select your preferred notifications by toggling switches on or off. Paysley offers push notifications and text and email notifications for various activities on your Paysley account.
Email: If you send a payment request or invoice by email, it will be sent from Paysley by default. However, to make it easier for your customers to recognize your emails, we suggest configuring your SMTP email settings so emails are sent from your company domain instead. To access the SMTP email server settings, simply toggle the “Use Paysley email configuration,” switch to “No” and fill in the necessary data before saving.
Here are the standard SMTP settings for common email service providers like Gmail and Outlook:
SMTP Host:
SMTP Port: If TLS encryption, 587; If SSL encryption, 465
SMTP Encryption: TLS or SSL
SMTP Host:
SMTP Port: Port 587
SMTP Encryption: TLS
After updating your SMTP settings, it is highly recommended to send a test email to ensure successful delivery. Click the “Send Test Email” button to do so.
Don’t hesitate to ask your email administrator for help if you require any assistance.
Change Password: To update or modify your password, you must provide your current password. If you don’t remember your current password, please click the “Forgot Password” link on the Paysley login page. You will receive a link to reset your password.
QR Code: To customize and match the QR code with your company’s branding, you can change its colors. Click on the Main and Background colors boxes and select your preferred colors. Enter your HEX code in the color HEX code box for more accurate color settings. You can also add your logo to display over the QR code. To ensure the best results, use a logo with a background color that matches the QR code Background color.
Tax Profile: You can create multiple Tax profiles, which can be useful if you sell certain products subject to a different Tax than others. Setting up a Tax profile is a simple process. You just need to use the Tax Name field to easily identify the Tax you want to select when creating invoices or adding Tax to a product in your inventory. You can set the percentage (%) for the specific Tax profile and give it a public name in the Tax Label field. The Tax public name is the description of the Tax that will appear on the payment page and the customer’s receipt.
Time Zone: Please make sure to select your time zone to keep track of your activities on the dashboard. If you don’t set your time zone, the payment times shown may differ from your local time. This can make it challenging for you to identify when payments are received and reconcile your daily batch settlements received from the processor.
Language: The default language is English. To select another language, click the dropdown and choose from German, French, and Spanish (EU).
Currency: Paysley offers the option to accept payments in multiple currencies. However, the availability of currencies will depend on the currencies supported by your payment processor. Please contact your payment processor or Paysley support for assistance to enquire if you are eligible to accept payments in other currencies.
SMS Usage
To keep track of your Text (SMS) and Picture Message (MMS) usage on Paysley, simply click on the SMS Usage link in the menu. Next, click the View Detail button to view your usage for the current month or specify a date range to view information for any other period. It’s important to note that all Text messages are limited to 160 characters by network providers. While modern smartphones can display longer messages, they are actually small pockets of 160 characters combined and displayed as one. If you compose messages on Paysley that are longer than 160 characters, it will result in a second text message being sent. This will increase your SMS usage, so keep this in mind when composing your messages.
Messages Template
Creating message templates has been made easy and convenient with various tags that automatically insert data related to your payment request. You can create a message template for any payment request or customer billing scenario, including single and recurring payments. Text (SMS) and email messages are created and managed separately. You can keep your text and email messages the same or use the ability to create HTML-designed email messages.
Keep in mind that text messages are limited to 160 characters per message. If your text exceeds 160 characters, a second text will automatically be created and joined with the first text to appear as a single message on your customer’s smartphone.
We have a whole course dedicated to creating template messages, so ensure to refer to our “How to Create & Manage Template Messages” course,
Invoice Creator
We have made the invoicing process easy and convenient for you. Your invoice already displays your company details and logo. You only need to choose whether you prefer itemized or standard invoicing. This can be done by toggling the Products & Services switch On or Off. If you select Yes, Paysley will assume that you will add products and services from your inventory when creating a new invoice. Ensuring that this setting is correct for how you plan to create invoices is important. You can see an instant example of how your invoices will look in the Preview on the left.
Optional customization options include selecting a default message for sending invoices via text or email. However, you can still choose a different message when you send the invoice. You can use the two text editor boxes on the right-hand side to customize the invoice description and add special instructions. The invoice description editor also allows you to use tags to add information to your description automatically. Simply click on a tag to add it to your description.
Register Terminal Device
To use a terminal with Paysley, you need to have a specific card terminal. First, choose a manufacturer and click on the Model dropdown field to see which terminals are available on Paysley. If you don’t have a terminal already, you can order one from Paysley. However, if you already have one of the terminals listed, just send the terminal name and serial number to [email protected]. We will create a new file for your terminal. After that, add the TPN, Registration ID, and Auth Key you received from Paysley, choose your preferred settlement options, and give your terminal a name in the description area. This way, you can easily select between different terminals when you are using more than one.
When you have a connected card terminal, you can use it with your Paysley POS terminal (a Virtual POS Terminal) and the Paysley Mobile App.
Here’s how it works: When you create a payment during a sale using either the Paysley POS terminal from your Paysley Dashboard or the Paysley Mobile App, simply select the terminal you want to use for accepting the payment. This will activate the card terminal, and you can complete the transaction by swiping, inserting, or tapping the card on that terminal. The available options will depend on the specific card terminal you are using.
When using the card terminal, transactions are qualified as card-present transactions, which will incur lower transaction fees with your processor.
It is highly recommended that you do not enter and accept payments directly on a terminal. Even if such transactions are successful and settled, they will not be reflected in Paysley. This can lead to reporting and reconciliation issues that could be difficult to resolve.
Paysley offers an API that can be accessed through the Paysley Developer Portal. You can click the API link to be directed to the Developer Portal or type the URL directly into your browser’s address bar. Once there, click the “Get Started” button to create a developer account. After logging in, you can access the Paysley API documentation and generate your API keys. The best part is that access is completely free.
To access Ready-to-Use integrations, built and managed by Paysley, please select Integrations. These integrations are designed to help you connect seamlessly using an OAuth process. You only need to use your login credentials for the other platform to connect it with your Paysley account.
We provide detailed information about each available integration related to the 3rd party platform in our courses. If you would like to learn more about the functions offered by each integration when connected with Paysley, please complete the relevant course.
Application Manager
When you develop your own applications using the Paysley API, you can connect them to your Paysley account through our Application Manager. To connect your application, first log in to the Paysley Development Portal and select the application you wish to connect. Then, click the “Invite Merchant” button to generate a token. Copy and paste this token in the required field after clicking the “Connect” button inside the Application Manager you access from the Paysley Dashboard. Finally, confirm the connection, and you’re all set!
Within the Application Manager, you can enable or disable the application as needed and completely disconnect from it if desired.
Receipt Template
A payment receipt is generated automatically with every successful payment. The receipt includes your logo and company information, making it ready for use. However, if you wish to customize the appearance of your payment receipts, you can do so by clicking on the ‘Custom Receipt’ option at the page’s top left section. You can change the layout, use a different font, change colors, and more. Additionally, you can add custom text in three specific locations. To do so, locate the custom text area in the Preview window on the right side of the page. Clicking inside the custom text area will open a text editor box on the left, where you can add any text you desire.
On the right, you will see various buttons at the top of the preview section. These buttons allow you to switch between different receipt types, such as payments or refunds, and different payment types. You can also view how the receipt looks on desktop or mobile.
Phone Numbers
Your Paysley account has a unique phone number to send your text (SMS) & MMS messages. You can buy additional numbers if you, for example, want to use one number to send invoices but another to send other payment reminders.
If you want to buy additional numbers, you can do so by clicking on the “New Phone Number” button that is located at the top. Then, select your State, add a preferred prefix (if you want to), and check the MMS box if you plan to attach invoices to your text messages. Click on “Search”.
When you find a number you like from the list, simply click on the orange “Action” icon and select “Purchase this Number” to buy it.
Payment Page Configuration
Please keep in mind the following information about configuring your payment page. The settings are simple but highly functional. First, choose the maximum number of failed payment attempts you want to allow per payment link. Paysley allows a maximum of four (4) failed attempts, but you can choose a smaller number for your protection. Remember that each transaction incurs a transaction fee.
If you want to offer Apple Pay and Google Pay as payment options on your payment pages, you can easily enable them by toggling the switch to display a blue “Enabled” button.
The three Tip Percentages boxes are there so that you can customize the percentages of the auto-tip buttons. You can change these to your preferred percentages.
If you are configured to do Surcharging or charge a Convenience Fee, Service Fee, or Dual Pricing, your account configuration will also be displayed on this page. By changing the Label field, you can customize the description of this line item on your payment pages and receipts
Don’t forget to save your settings before you exit the page.
The Paysley POSLink is a payment page with a static URL and QR code. This makes it extremely convenient for anyone to access the payment page anytime and anywhere. You can modify your POSLink payment page settings as frequently as you need, but the URL link and QR code will remain the same. This is especially useful for printing the QR code on business cards, invoices, posters, business vehicles, and other places where your clients can easily “Scan & Pay.”
Managing your POSLink payment page is a simple process. You can choose between two reference number options- customer input or auto-generation with a prefix and suffix. Additionally, you can select a Tax Profile to add tax to each payment automatically. There are several other features that you can add to your payment page.
Enabling the Tip feature will add one-click tipping buttons to the payment page. You can customize the percentages of the tipping buttons in your Payment Page Configuration.
You can toggle Apple Pay & Google Pay to Yes if you want to offer these payment options to your customers (we always recommend doing so).
Activating the Share Button will allow customers to share the payment page on their social media accounts. Paysley is integrated into Facebook, X, LinkedIn & WhatsApp.
If you switch Repeat Payment to Yes, your customers can select between a one-time payment or setting up recurring payments. When customers self-register a recurring payment, they will be prompted to provide a mobile number or email address to which Paysley will send a reminder the day before every recurring payment. The customer will have the ability to self-manage their recurring payment registration.
Enabling the “Collecting Customer or Donor Information” feature can be extremely beneficial. It adds an extra step during the payment process, where customers or donors enter their personal information according to your requirements. This data is used to automatically create a new customer profile or associate a payment with an existing profile, which is a powerful tool for payment management. A popup window will appear when activating this feature, allowing you to manage the information you want to collect. Please make sure to include the email and mobile number as required fields, as this is how Paysley identifies your customers.
To customize your POSLink payment page with additional fields, toggle the Additional Info Field button to Yes. Next, select the Add button on the right side of the page to reveal three types of content fields: Info, Textbox, and Dropdown. You can add multiple fields by following this step repeatedly.
Info fields allow you to add custom text and headings. To collect data, the Textbox field adds a customer input field to your payment page. The Dropdown field adds a selection box to your payment page so customers can choose from a list of options. The purpose of these fields is to collect any information from your customers during a payment transaction.
Don’t forget to click the Submit button once you’re done. Your POSLink payment page can be edited multiple times without changing the QR code or payment link. Please remember that each Paysley account has only one POSLink payment page.