How to connect a IDTech VP3350 Bluetooth card reader

IDTech VP 3350 Bluetooth Device

LED State Indicators

Device StateLED1LED2LED3LED4
Off or StandbyOffOffOffOff
OnBlinking, GreenOffOffOff
Low BatteryBlinking, RedOffOffOff
Bluetooth Link EstablishedSingle Flash, GreenSingle Flash, GreenSingle Flash, GreenSingle Flash, Green
Bluetooth Link DroppedSingle Flash, RedSingle Flash, RedSingle Flash, RedSingle Flash, Red
Awaiting Card EntryGreenOffOffOff
Device TamperedFlashing, RedFlashing, RedFlashing, RedFlashing, Red
Device DeactivatedFlashing, YellowFlashing, YellowFlashing, YellowFlashing, Yellow

Connecting the Device via Bluetooth

The VP3350 should be charged four to six hours before the first use. After charging the device, follow the pairing instructions below:

  1. Enable the Bluetooth device search function on the host device (smartphone or tablet).
    Make sure the VP3350 is charged or connected to a power source via USB.
  2. When connected to a power source, the VP3350 automatically activates Bluetooth.
  3. When not connected to a power source, press the VP3350’s power button to automatically activate Bluetooth. The device will indicate Bluetooth is active with a flashing green light every few seconds.
  4. Pairing:
    • Android: Find a Bluetooth device named IDTECH-VP3350-XXXXX on the host smartphone or tablet’s Bluetooth search window, and select Pair. If required, enter the password for pairing. The default password is 123456. Log in on your Paysley App and go to Settings > Device and then scan for available devices. When your IDTECH-VP3350-XXXXX appear, click Connect. It may take a few seconds to connect the first time so be patient.
    • iOS: Within the Paysley App, go to Settings > Device and then scan for available devices. Find a Bluetooth device named IDTECH-VP3350-XXXXX and connect to the device.
  5. When the device is successfully connected, an audible beep will occur and all 4 lights will flash.
  6. Follow the payment transaction instructions provided by a compatible payment application maker to complete a transaction.

The VP3350 will remain connected via Bluetooth to the host device indefinitely when powered via the USB cable. If the unit is operating on battery power, it will go to sleep after 30 seconds of idling to extend battery life. To perform a transaction again, press the power button to re-establish the Bluetooth connection.

Updated on March 3, 2025

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