How to prepare a Excel Spreadsheet when Importing Customers to Paysley

How to import customers to your Paysley account using a Excel spreadsheet

You can import your existing customers to your Paysley account by uploading a CSV or XLS file. For your convenience, we have already prepared template files you can download and use.

  1. Go to your My Customers section in your Paysley dashboard.
  2. Click the Import button and then download the template file you would like to use.
  3. Type or copy & paste all the data to the file, as instructed in the table below.
  4. Save the file and upload. Select the group before importing if you wish to upload the customers to a specific group.
IMPORTANT: Do not delete or change the headers (line 1) in the template files, as it will result in an error during the import.
Listing typeYesOptions: “Company” or “Individual”Important: Your option will determine whether your invoices and payment requests are presented to a company or an individual.
Mobile numberNo*To send an invoice or payment request by text, you will require a valid mobile number for a customer. Format: 19191231234
AlertImportant: Adding 1 (international dialing code) is mandatory. 
EmailNo*To be able to send an invoice or payment request by email, you will require a valid email address from a customer.Format: [email protected]Tip: Make sure that you have a valid email address for all your customers.
SalutationNo Accepted values: None, Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Prof.
First nameYes**The customer or contact first name
Last nameYes**The customer or contact’s last name
CompanyNo***The name of the company you are invoicing.
GroupNoIf you added Groups to your Paysley customer database, you can add the desired Group name here. The group name you enter here must match the group name on your Paysley dashboard. 
Address line 1NoThe address of your customer or the company.Format: text
Address line 2NoThe address of your customer or the company.Format: text
CountryNoThe country of your customer or the company.Format: text
State / Province / RegionNoThe State of your customer or the company.Format: text
City/TownNoThe City or town of your customer or the company.Format: text
ZIP or Postal CodeNoThe ZIP of your customer or the company.Format: text
Reference numberNoAdd your preferred account or reference number for your customer.Format: text
TAX/EIN NumberNoThe TAX or EIN for your customer.Format: text
Short DescriptionNoAdd any description.Format: text


* A unique phone number or email address is mandatory. If no data is available, leave it blank.

** The customer’s first and last names are mandatory if an Individual listing.

*** The company name is mandatory if a Company listing.

Troubleshooting Customer Imports

If you encounter an error when uploading & importing your file:

  • Check your file type. Only .xls and .csv files will import correctly. The file extension .xlsx is not permitted at this time.
  • Make sure the column headers (line 1) have not been removed or changed
  • Confirm the Mobile number column is formatted as “text”
  • Confirm that your general formatting is correct and all fields containing data are correctly entered with no leading and trailing spaces
  • Customers with duplicate phone numbers or email addresses will NOT be imported.

For support, contact [email protected].

Updated on March 3, 2025

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